Funny Things an Alien Would Say
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What do aliens look like? Well, movies and TV shows would have you believe they might look a bit like us鈥攁lbeit, with big (bald) heads, green skin, and humongous eyes. But we weren't satisfied with that old clich茅. So, we decided to ask the foremost alien experts鈥攕ci-fi authors, science experts, E.T. buffs鈥攚hat they think aliens really would look like.
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A 'Protective Mechanism for the Vital Brain'
The expert: Kevin Anderson
The street cred: Sci-fi author
What do aliens look like?
"Look at the incredible diversity of biotypes here on Earth, all of which evolved under the same planetary environment. I don't believe an alien species from an entirely different biochemical foundation would happen to turn out with two arms, two legs, two eyes, ears, nostrils...two genders, warm-blooded, and so on. But, for intelligence, one would assume brain capacity, and therefore the body, would need some sort of protective mechanism for the vital brain鈥攁n exoskeleton, a skull, something like that.
"To build tools, they would need some kind of manipulative digits, like fingers (not necessarily an opposable thumb, maybe prehensile tentacles). There would have to be a reproductive system, but it could be budding, seeding, fission, egg laying鈥攏ot necessarily live, warm-blooded birth. They would require some sort of sensory systems, the analogs of eyes, ears, smelling apparatuses. But their 'eyes' would have evolved for the peak spectrum of their own sun, not necessarily ours.
"Do they live in a sea? In the clouds of a gas giant? On land? In a desert? In a jungle? They would need a way to eat or consume energy, and they would need to excrete waste. For intelligence, they'd need to communicate鈥攂y voice? Pheromones? Blinking phosphorescent patches?"
The expert: Darren Campo
Street cred: TV producer and executive
What do aliens look like?
"When it comes to film and TV, it's problematic to make a race of aliens that does not resemble humans. Actors have to play these roles. What aliens look like in the real world will depend on where they evolved. An alien that evolved in interstellar space would have very different needs from an alien that evolved on an Earth-like planet.
"There is one thing that is nearly certain: an alien life form will be symmetrical. Everything we know of that grows follows a symmetrical pattern. Cut a tree in half lengthwise, the branches and roots on one side would be fairly similar to the other. The same applies to humans and all living growth, even inorganic growth such as crystals and galaxies.
"The size and shape of the alien would be determined by gravity, ambient density, and source of energy. Plant-like aliens are unlikely because photosynthesis doesn't encourage complex survival strategies. The need to chase food favors mobile life. If such life evolved in a thick atmosphere, it's likely to be a horizontal creature. A thinner atmosphere would favor the most vertical animals. Two legs and two arms are more efficient than four legs, so incorporating the rule of symmetry, it's not unlikely that aliens would have evolved just like humans: bipedal and upright.
"When we consider that 95 percent of the universe is not perceptible by our senses or technology (dark matter and energy), then it's most likely that's where the aliens are. So one might say most aliens don't look like anything because they are invisible."
'Who Needs Eyes and Ears?'
The expert: Aaron Rosenberg
Street cred: Sci-fi author
What do aliens look like?
"Never mind the gaunt, nearly skeletal figure with the long talons and the scorpion-like tail, and the mouth full of razor teeth. Never mind the little green or gray men with oversize craniums and oversize eyes and tiny mouths. Never mind the cat-men or lizard-men or dog-men or people with blue skin and strange, tattoo-like markings or odd brow ridges or pointier ears. Why would an alien look that similar to us?
"Bilateral symmetry is actually a pretty crappy design, when you think about it. Yes, it looks nice and even, but what's the point? Why have two sides exactly the same when you could have something completely different on the other side? Even the Daleks figured this one out鈥攖hey had a sucker arm on one side and a laser on the other. And bipedal? Ridiculous鈥攐ne good push and we fall over. Why would another world's race evolve with that exact same design flaw? Why would another world's race grow eyes, and a nose, and a tongue, and all the other fiddly bits we have? They wouldn't.
"Living beings evolve in response to their environment. We grew opposable thumbs so we could better grasp objects. Monkeys developed prehensile tails for the same reason. We have eyes because light breaks down into the visible end of the electromagnetic spectrum here.
"But if we had occurred on a completely different world, with different temperatures, and topography, and flora and fauna, we would have evolved differently. And if that other world had a completely different chemical composition, so would we. All life on Earth is carbon-based, but that wouldn't be the case elsewhere. Life forms could be silicon-based or iron-based or anything else at all. They could have any number of arms and legs鈥攐r none at all.
"Perhaps life on other planets evolved without physical form or with no fixed form鈥攑erhaps there are aliens who are nothing more than sentient clouds, or who have mutable bodies that can alter to suit the needs of the moment. Maybe they can sail through space unaided, and use stellar radiation for a food source and a sensory array, detecting changes in the radiation the same way bats detect sound waves. Who needs eyes and ears when your entire being resonates? Who needs a distinct brain when your consciousness is spread throughout just like our nerve endings are with us? Why have skin when your form is held together by electrostatic shock and mental control, and can condense or expand at will?
"There are plenty of creatures here on Earth that are so astoundingly different from us that we can barely comprehend them. Try watching an octopus pull itself through a tiny crack in a glass tank sometime, or examine a tobacco hornworm, or look at a praying mantis up close. Then think about how small our planet is compared with the universe as a whole鈥攊t's like finding the weirdest-shaped M&M in the bag, and then realizing that you're in an entire candy store filled with literally thousands of other kinds of candy, most of which you've never even heard of before. A real alien would be so far from anything we've ever imagined that we would barely be able to comprehend its existence. And we would seem just as completely, bafflingly bizarre to it."
'An Octopus Is a Good Example'
The expert: Bernard Bates
The street cred: Physics professor, University of Puget Sound
What do aliens look like?
"An octopus is a good example of an advanced-alien analogue on Earth. Octopuses are quite (probably human-level) intelligent and live in a totally alien environment (compared with ours). Evolution has had to find novel solutions to the pressures they're under鈥攑ressures completely different than those that shaped mammals on land.
"Dolphins and chimpanzees are extremely close to us鈥攚e're all mammals. The last common ancestor for humans and dolphins was around 100 million years ago, and for humans and chimpanzees was about 10 million years ago. Most of the evolutionary choices leading to intelligence were probably made before the splits occurred. The last common ancestor between mammals and octopuses is much, much further back in time, probably 800 million years ago.
"Aliens with advanced technology would have to be on land (technology needs fire to kick-start it). What would we expect in order to develop a technology comparable to ours? Hands with fingers (for delicate, precise manipulation) are important. At least two legs are needed for locomotion. If it has four legs, think centaurs鈥攜ou need those hands to build things.
"You need binocular vision to judge distance (to prey). Elevated head to see predators. Eyes near the brain to reduce the time delay (or degradation) of the visual signal. Sound and smell sensors (ears and nose). Your survival chances improve if you can use all of the ways you can to detect food, mates, and predators. Living in an atmosphere means sounds and smells will arrive before the stinky, noisy predator."
'Fundamental Shape-Shifters'
The expert: Nnedi Okorafor
Street cred: Sci-fi author
What do aliens look like?
"Three things are generally intrinsic about human beings: 1. We think we know everything. 2. We think everything is about us. 3. We need things to be about us in order to care. Thus, in most of our stories about aliens, the aliens come because of us (be it to kill, enslave, or study us) or to take things that are dear to us. We are also usually the first who make contact with the aliens, and they almost always look something like us or like something familiar to us.
"I believe aliens exist. However, I don't pay much mind to the little-green-men mythology. I don't think aliens have to be humanoid, carbon-based, or even alive by our definition of alive. Human beings aren't made to survive in space. If aliens arrive on Earth here, it means they have survived in space and have the means to adapt to our atmosphere. I think it highly possible that they'll be nothing like us.
"In my novel Lagoon, the aliens that show up in Lagos, Nigeria, are fundamental shape-shifters with consciousness and control all the way to the molecular level, and their molecules do not resemble or operate like anything Earth-based. They use matter (whatever that matter is and wherever it comes from) and they adapt to wherever they are. And their wants and needs and methods of going about their business are wholly foreign to humans.
"I don't see why aliens couldn't be microscopic, only be seen at wavelengths beyond human detection, be built in a way so outside of human understanding that to look upon them would cause one to faint. I don't think aliens have been, are, will be what we are expecting."
'Neck? Not at All Necessary'
The expert: Harry E. Keller
The street cred: Former chemistry professor, Northeastern University
What do aliens look like?
"Somewhere in the universe, there must be, have been, or will be other advanced civilizations. The chances of anyone alive today seeing or even communicating with them are very slim. However, such problems should not stop us from imagining what they might be like.
"First, a real alien is bilaterally symmetrical, endothermic with excellent manipulative abilities, and has a hard container for a brain.
"Eyes? Of course. You have to see to build a civilization. The squid has better eyes than we do, and the eye seems to have evolved separately a few times at least. Our alien will have eyes that may only resemble ours superficially. A lens and iris are almost an absolute requirement. The whites do not have to be white. Neither does the iris have to be colored in anything like the way ours are. How many eyes? One just will not do. Inability to perceive distance will lead to rapid extinction. Unless you can find a good reason for it, extra eyes create evolutionary baggage and will not persist, spiders not withstanding. Eyes being important, they will be recessed and capable of being covered, as necessary. Our aliens are not likely to be bug-eyed, although we cannot totally rule that out.
"Nose? An alien must have the means to breathe. It must be symmetrical. The nose does not have to be in the middle of a face, although that is convenient for some purposes such as sharing the air pipe with a mouth for times of exertion. You can imagine other arrangements.
"Mouth? Must have means for ingestion of food. All large animals have some means to capture and swallow food. Some masticate it; others do not. Teeth are rather common on Earth but other systems of eating are possible. The problem is that plants and animals have been in an evolutionary war for millennia. We inherit the outcome of that war. Teeth were necessary to eat plants that became more fibrous, an evolutionary reaction to being eaten. There are other ways to sheer off plant food, such as what birds do. They 'chew' in their gizzards.
"Legs? Most certainly. Other means of locomotion will be relatively slow and be relegated to armored animals and of those living in holes. Neither of these lifestyles will lead naturally to greater intelligence. How many legs? In our case, we adapted the forelegs for manipulation from animals with four legs. No land animals with endoskeletons have more legs. The implication is that aliens with two legs are more likely than those with four.
"Fur? Hair? Feathers? Scales? Something else truly alien? The skin covering could be anything that makes sense. Real feathers are not so likely. Because feathers are used for flight, brains will be small. Scales are unlikely because they are particularly well-adapted for ectotherms, although a scaly sort of skin might be possible. Fur versus hair is hard to sort out because of my inherent bias. Fur has good reasons for being that are not related to intelligence. If furry, our aliens probably have short fur.
"Head? If you define head as a bony enclosure for the brain as well as the location for eyes, nose, and mouth, then it's likely. The nose could be located above or below the mouth. Above works better for swimming, but that's not a strict evolutionary requirement.
"Neck? Not at all necessary. Useful to swivel the head, but you can imagine other ways to look around. It's an annoying place for big cats to grab and strangle you with their powerful mouths.
"Arms? You must have something with which to manipulate things. Tentacles are unlikely because of their inability to perform fine manipulation. They usually have suckers on them and a very different purpose than toolmaking. The number of joints could be greater, and the direction of bend could be different.
"Fingers? You must have a way to grab tightly and a way to pick up small objects and twist and turn them. Two fingers are probably too few. Five is overkill. Three or four (as cartoon characters have) is about right. Our three joints in our fingers is about right. One would not do. Two, as with our thumbs, is unlikely."
'It Might Be Quite Overwhelming'
The expert: Tobias Buckell
Street cred: Sci-fi author
What do aliens look like?
"Aliens with pointy ears and bumpy foreheads are a way for Hollywood to save money by applying prostheses to human beings and to move forward with the plot. It seems strange to think the truly alien would look anything at all like us. And yet there are examples of parallel evolution in nature: the eye of the octopus being identical to that of a human being a famous one. Some speculate that an alien evolved to have a civilization similar to ours would have a similar form.
"We have examples of aliens right here on Earth to look toward that might give us a hint of what an alien intelligence would look like. Octopuses and squids exhibit startlingly intelligent responses and learning, and the form of their bodies is designed for an environment alien to our own. Tentacles and large brains seems to be a fantastic form for low-gravity or aquatic environments. Creatures that may communicate by flashing colors across their skin. Science fiction has a long history of exploring hard-to-understand tentacled horrors.
"An article about the gears found in plant hoppers' legs has gotten a lot of attention online. The idea of biology and evolution already using cogs leads one to wonder what else might exist. Minds that evolved silicon circuitry through natural selection? Steampunk, radiation-powered life forms that we couldn't even approach? Thought experiments can get rather mind-boggling. Nature always surprises.
"Talking and reacting to alien behavior will be the hardest. We already struggle to keep patient enough to understand other cultures and differences within our own human cultures. Dolphins, octopuses, elephants鈥攖hese all seem to be higher-order thinkers, yet we cannot communicate well with them nor do we particularly share the planet well. What will an alien encounter be like? How will their actions seem?
"In short, I'd assume things would be easily misunderstood, as we all come with an existing load of baggage about such an encounter. And their actions will depend a great deal on the environs they come from, and the nature of their groups. Are they solitary? Or prefer herds or small bands? What would be the mind of an intelligent predator who normally lives alone? If we do find other life, I have to assume that it would hint that a great deal of life is possible. We may encounter all of the above. Creatures like us, and yet so different from us we can barely understand them. It might be a plethora of minds and body types, much like the world is filled now with a wide variety of intelligences and forms. It might be quite overwhelming..."
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